Windsor Fountains Condo
Culver City, CA
November 17, 2011
2:15 p.m.
Home ‘n Stuff
Does a girl have to have cancer to make a wish, or have a dream come true?
--Viveka Davis
This is blog #32 in a series of 33 -- the next to last. It’s time to look back and see if anything still needs to be said before we turn our attention to making a documentary film about our adventure, which could easily consume the next year -- or two.
Yes, there are several things.
First and most of all, I would like to acknowledge my mother, Viveka’s grandmother, Joanne, who not only made our journey possible financially, but who made it necessary and desirable emotionally. You see, Joanne (may she be remembered fondly) was of that “Rosie the Riveter” era -- some have called it “The Greatest Generation,” who weathered the great depression and waged World War II, and wanted to see their children have a better life. “Better” to them meant more affluent and better educated. They succeeded. Because they provided for us materially, we had the luxury of hanging out in libraries and coffee houses, marching in protest parades and starting a revolution against the very values that our parents had made such vast sacrifices for. I realize, with great gratitude and appreciation, that these words are being written because my mother, a child of immigrants with an eighth grade education, believed in me, and provided a way for me to have a voice. She did this by working in her little beauty shop, dreaming of a better future for me and my brother, one pin-curl at a time. Thank you Mother. May your labors of love not have been in vain, and may the beauty you brought to others forever abide with you as well.
Second, I would be remiss if I did not mention the Cahokia Star Knowledge Gathering in Collinsville, IL 11:11:11 which Viveka and I participated in both as attendees and presenters. Here is a description that went out prior to the event:
Chief Golden Light Eagle and many others invite you to join us for the 11:11:11 Cahokia Star Knowledge Gathering
The energy of the 11:11 has been building for many years, and the long awaited 11:11:11 offers us the opportunity to step through a portal of love, a window of opportunity to transcend from third dimensional beings to the next step in our evolution of consciousness to functioning as being multi-dimensional beings and honoring our connectedness with all there is.
During the Gathering we will focus on the importance of our Guardianship of the EARTH, AIR, FIRE, and WATER. What better place to merge with all there is than Collinsville, IL, near the WATERS of the Great Grandfather Mississippi River in the Heart of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America).
Your heart has the memory of the 11:11. Join us as we activate the memory and answer the Call to Awaken.
The energy of the 11:11 has been building for many years, and the long awaited 11:11:11 offers us the opportunity to step through a portal of love, a window of opportunity to transcend from third dimensional beings to the next step in our evolution of consciousness to functioning as being multi-dimensional beings and honoring our connectedness with all there is.
During the Gathering we will focus on the importance of our Guardianship of the EARTH, AIR, FIRE, and WATER. What better place to merge with all there is than Collinsville, IL, near the WATERS of the Great Grandfather Mississippi River in the Heart of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America).
Your heart has the memory of the 11:11. Join us as we activate the memory and answer the Call to Awaken.
Now, writing one week after the fact, all I want to say is that I hope that you were in ceremony or in some spiritual gathering on 11:11:11 which allowed you to experience the remarkable energies that found expression on that occasion. I and many others witnessed with great joy as we, as a planetary consciousness, passed over a threshold to mark a milestone in our evolution as a species.
When I left on my journey last March, I cleared out my apartment so that I could rent it. Because I lived in an RV for 7+ months I got used to the discipline of “stuff-less-ness.” I discovered that there is very little that I actually “need,” and it can all fit in a few suitcases. What freedom! Now that I am back I am faced with the “problem” of what to do with all of that stuff. Part of me wants to dump it ALL at a charity thrift store. Another part of me wants to sift and sort through it, and re-establish the attachments that time and distance have severed.
The truth is that the person who is returning home is not the same person who left. She sees with different eyes, hears with different ears, and feels with a different heart. She has tasted the freedom of detachment, and is not willing to enter once more into the bondage of things.
In any case, it is a high class problem to have, and I see it as a luxury. In my next -- and final -- blog I will let you know how it all turned out.
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